Teacher Well-being: Prioritizing Mental Health in UK Teachers’ Education

Teacher Well being Prioritizing Mental Health in UK Teachers Education

The CDC reports that anxiety and depression are the most prevalent mental health conditions`. Also, with oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) coming in second and third, respectively. Alongside most strongly frequent teen mental health difficulties, eating disorders, bipolar disorder, chronic self-harm, and chemical dependency disorders are also very common.

Other disorders do not fall under the category of psychological illnesses. But this can have a major effect on children’s mental and emotional health. Which include developmental disabilities such as cerebral palsy and Down syndrome.as well as autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

According to estimates from the World Health Organisation (WHO), approx 14 percent of children between the ages of 10 and 19 suffer from a mental health problem. However, this number might be conservative due to misdiagnoses and fear of exposure. A widely publicised 2005 study that was published in the Archives of General Psychiatry stated that half of all Americans would eventually come into contact with a diagnosable mental illness. Along, with childhood or adolescence being the most common times for onset.

Therefore, mental health problems in kids may not just be a sign of growing pains. However,  but also a necessity for ongoing counselling or medical attention. The WHO states that adolescents must bee protected from adversity. Therefore, to be encouraged to learn socioemotionally and to be psychologically well, and to have access to mental health care.”

What Effects Do Mental Health Conditions Have on Students in Schools?

While a child’s academic performance is undoubtedly not the primary factor affecting their mental health, low grades or skipping assignments. However, this indicate a youngster is experiencing more serious problems. Throughout the academic year, numerous kids and teens spend up to 40 hours a week in school; therefore, the classroom may be the setting in which mental illness symptoms and indicators are most noticeable.

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Students may be affected by mental health conditions in the following ways:

Poor academic performance can arise from certain illnesses that make it difficult to concentrate or retain information. Such as depression, ADHD, and ADD.

  • For students, building and maintaining relationships with peers, teachers, and coaches may be difficult.
    Children with untreated mental health disorders may act out, which may result in disciplinary action. Depending on how serious the illness is, they may also make it physically impossible for students to attend class. .
  • Physical symptoms associated with mental illness. Which include weight loss or increase, sleep deprivation, migraines, stomachaches, and “brain fog,” This can make it difficult for pupils to focus.
    • Hospitalisation due to disordered eating, self-harm, careless behaviour, substance misuse, or a suicide attempt can occur from mental disorders that go untreated.
    • Mental illness that is left untreated or managed insufficiently raises the risk of early death, arrest, jail, substance abuse, and school dropout.

A student may have an Individualised Education Plan, or IEP, if they have behavioural or mental health diagnoses. The special education services that a kid must receive are described in this written document. Therefore, together with whatever modifications and considerations related to their behaviour and overall physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

What the Research Says:

Teenage mental health issues are clearly linked to negative adult life results. Ignoring a teen’s mental health can have negative effects on their wellbeing over time, as well as societal repercussions. Youth mental health is essential to a country’s ability to develop.Despite this, for every four million children and teens in Pakistan who experience mental health issues, there is only one psychiatrist. A quarter of kids and teenagers are susceptible to mental health issues.

How to Improve Mental Health

Preventing and treating mental health problems early on leads to more favourable results as adults in terms of interpersonal problems. Consequently, substance abuse, anxiety, sadness, and other problems. Therefore, by focusing on the prevention of mental disease and the promotion of good mental health. Also,  we want to lessen the long-term impact of mental health issues.

Student’s struggles

For students who are having mental health problems, teachers are frequently the first people they should contact. An affordable intervention that can help teachers become more knowledgeable and proficient in recognising and handling mental health issues in the classroom is online teacher training.

By giving educators the tools they need to create a more positive learning environment for both  themselves and the students. Our work seeks to include mental health into the educational system. We have trained 168 teachers from 40 public schools in our institution’s mental health project with the help of the Global Institute of Human Development to recognise common mental health concerns in the classroom and provide recommendations for additional treatment.

Results from our first year are encouraging, clearly demonstrating an average reduction in suffering among the 409 teenagers in the 40 schools who were classified as being at risk of psychosocial distress. Therefore, teachers frequently have their own mental health problems in addition to being overworked and underpaid. However, they learn from this training the value of looking after their mental health in addition to teaching their students compassion, kindness, and empathy.

Also, the training has a significant impact on the school environment as a whole. As seen by the improved behaviour of the students, increased attendance rates, improved academic performance, and less bullying and harassment.

Final words

Building a child’s self-worth and confidence early on helps them develop better coping strategies and more adeptly navigate any obstacles they may face.
A rich and healthy future is a right that belongs to every child. Until everyone prioritises their mental health, we won’t give up. We feel that no youngster should be forced to cope with mental health issues in private.

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